Queer and Trans
Parenting Support
There are lots of ways to become a parent as a queer and/or trans person.
Here are a few of the options. Maybe you had the kid from a previous relationship where there were both sperm and ovum available. Or maybe you adopted a kiddo or perhaps you went through the process of fostering a child and there was interest and opportunity to adopt them.
Perhaps you are the new step parent. Maybe you didn’t want kids at all but you fell in love with a someone or someones who had children, and you are trying to make it work.
Maybe you and your chosen family are raising a child who would call all of you their parents.
Enter, Dr. Abi Weissman (they, them, theirs & she, her, hers), mom of one lovely kiddo and who has been trained to provide support by Postpartum Support international.
Dr. Abi Weissman has attended the introductory and advanced class sequence and looks forward to taking the exam to become certified in perinatal mental health in 2023 or 2024.