PRYT Yoga Therapy Classes
This 8 session class series is a chance for Mental Health Psychotherapists to learn about transformation utilizing Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy method.
Class themes will be:
Class 1: Befriending the Body
Class 2: Awareness
Class 3: Acceptance
Class 4: Choice
Class 5: Discernment
Class 6: Truth
Class 7: Truth-in-Action and
Class 8: Flow
No yoga experience needed.
Teacher: Abi Weissman, Psy.D., California Psychologist, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy student and Yoga Teacher training student
For more information about Abi’s work with Phoenix Rising, please click here
All classes will be video and audio recorded in order to fulfill class requirements and so that participants will be able to use the audio to practice on their own as they wish.
Fee is $80 for the 8 week series or $10 per class.
Please let Abi know if you need a lower fee.